Online and offline education for better careers
Sebiz Finishing School -education and beyond
The Sebiz Finishing School came into existence with the purpose of brushing up skills of fresh IT graduates to make them industry-ready. Today SFS is fast becoming an education hub in the Tricity area. It has been in existence for over 10 years and has shaped a lot of great careers. SFS has helped train over 2000 IT graduates and place over 1500 graduates in jobs. It offers a range of products and services ranging from Industrial Training , Online Courses, Weekend Workshops for working
professionals to Corporate Training.
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Highlights of Sebiz Finishing School

Industrial Training
SFS offers high quality courses of 6 Months and 6 Weeks duration within the Sebiz facility with courses covering .Net, PHP, QA, iPhone, Android and Java. Courses in allied subjects like HR, Finance and Sales & Marketing are also offered.

Centers of Excellence Program
SFS partners with well known colleges in the region to offer 6 week and 6 month courses on campus in .Net, PHP, iPhone, Android, Java and QA. Excellent training by highly qualified professionals, intensive lab work and experience on live projects is a given.

Professional Certification Workshops in collaboration with QAI
Meant for working professionals who are working towards attaining professional
certifications in Six Sigma, PMP, ISO etc. Classes are held in collaboration with QAI, the well known training company.

Online Courses
SFS online courses are meant for corporates who want to give their staff access to new knowledge and skills. They are more
economical than classroom trainings, and can be undergone anyplace, anytime. They help to make up mandatory training hours.

Great Faculty & Infrastructure
The faculty at SFS are highly qualified and trained professionals. They are conversant with the latest technologies and
programming languages. SFS sits in the 100,000 sq. ft Sebiz Square facility and is equipped with the latest in systems and security.

SFS Placement Program
Besides high quality training and intensive lab work, soft skills, etiquette and
communication skills are also taught at SFS. SFS is a member of TIE and resumes are regularly sent out to companies within the network to help our students land
plum jobs.
Over 1500 students placed in premier IT companies